Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Arashiyama and Osaka


Started the day in Arashiyama with Nancy and Ashley

 The dogs are wearing pants!!!

Took a trip to Monkey Park Iwatayama.

Gotta love the signs...

The views were spectacular!

My favourite "old man" drunken monkey

They scream and yell at each other quite a bit. Sometimes they even got a little too close for comfort. But in the end, all they cared about was getting food. :)

We had a traditional Japanese meal down the street.

 Tenryu-ji is the head temple of the Tenryu branch of Rinzai Zen Buddhism  The temple was founded by Ashikaga Takauji in 1339. (Source)


The Glico Running MAN! A landmark in Dotonbori, Osaka.

 YAY SUSHI TRAIN ...more specifically Sushi Shinkansen (Bullet train)


I tried uni (sea urchin) for the first time... kind of strange and bitter. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I will be spending this Chirstmas in Bali! *yay*
Have a merry christmas and a happy new year everyone.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tokyo, Ginza and the Princess Cafe!

My day started in Tokyo

I took a trip to the Contemporary Art Museum

Then I made my way to Ginza, which is a popular shopping area

Kim and Tarro met me at the Princess Heart cafe, where we celebrated our birthdays...

as royalty! =P

Tarro enjoying the dessert :P

Monday, November 15, 2010

One of the reasons I like Japan! Guys dancing in business suits

Ellmer playing on the street in Sakae, I really enjoyed this guy in a suit dancin' it up :)

3 videos ----> Genki Sudo fighter, dancer and singer

The next couple videos are not Japanese know, who cares! They can dance and sing and look good doing it :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

South Korea, Tokyo and Nagoya


Playing JANKEN on the flight to South Korea

We went to see Sue in Cheonan, South Korea and climbed about 200 steps to see...

wait for it....

THIS GUY! One of the of largest sitting Buddha's in Asia!

There were many beautiful temples around the area surrounded by forests and mountains.


Touristy shopping!

Jeongbang Waterfall

On the same day we traveled out along the coast, it was riddled with amazing views and fish processing plants.

There were many volcanic islands on the way to

"Pyoseon Beach
– The only beach in Jeju’s southeast corner, Pyoseon is known for its long stretch of sandy beach – it takes quite a while to walk (or even run!) from the road to the waves, especially during low tide." (source) Watch the tide closely (O.O) we nearly lost our shoes and bags!

Ostriches at the Seongeup Folk Village

Where's Adam?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A quick review of the last couple of months!


Upon arrival Yui and Jamie became my very close friends very fast! Yui came all the way from Tokyo to help me settle in Nagoya. She has also opened up her home several times and has allowed me to stay with her and her family in Tokyo. Her parents are great cooks! Thanks Yui!


This is my daily view of Nagoya

Jamie, Dennis and I in front of one of Japan's National Treasures, Inuyama Castle


My first time in Tokyo! Shibuya crossing is world famous

Tokyo Tower looks fake!

Dinner with Friends and Family


My wonderful best buds "Jamie san", "Kimchi" and "Jesshka"

Strawberry picking indoors?! with Kim, Atsuki and James

"International" BBQ
