Thursday, September 29, 2011

Site of Reverisble Destiny - Yoro Park and Yoro Falls in Gifu

There were spiders EVERYWHERE!

"In the Site of Reversible Destiny-Yoro Park, there is a large oval basin. In this basin, there are Japanese archipelagoes of various sizes and, over-lapping these, pairs of hemisphere-shaped craters and mounds are found. Moreover in this complicated landscape, there run maze-like winding paths. In the East there is a strange structure called the Critical Resemblance house. In this site you can encounter an unexpected landscape and have various experiences."(pamphlet and guide, 2011)

The sites were designed by Shusaku Arakawa and Madeline Gins.


Plank #1

Plank #2

Critical Resemblance House

Plank #3

Dramatic Hilling

Plank #4

Plank #5

Plank #6

Plank #7

Plank #8

Plank #9

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Yoro Park! These are some great pictures that is some epic planking on Kate's part!! :P
