"Tokugawaen is a Japanese garden, with numerous highlights around a pond in it's center. It was the mainstream style of major daimyo gardens during the Edo period. The sight of a clear stream flowing from the waterfall through the ravine, to the pond presenting an ocean, symbolically condenses the landscape of Japanese nature. Also, Tokugawaen is characterized by land forms with great vertical intervals, the woods brought in as is, and the great stereoscopic rock garden. An amazing view of the majestic daimyo garden can be seen through the arrangements of the diversified aspects incorporated. People can enjoy beautiful greenery, various colors, and flowers such as peonies and irises, every season."
("Outline of Tokugawaen". Tokugawaen. n.p. n.d. Web. 8 Jul 2012.) http://www.tokugawaen.city.nagoya.jp/english/index.html
Lucky me! My friend invited me to the park during Golden week. Around this time Japanese people also celebrate children's day. At Tokugawaen, kids had free admission and got some fish food to feed the Koi. The garden is a popular site seeing spot in Nagoya and is in walking distance from my house! It is open year round and also has a museum. I had a wonderful time with my new friends. They were so very kind and generous. Thank you!!! ありがとうございます!!
There are about 1000 peonies in this garden.
SNACK TIME!! <(^ - ^) >
MISO ICE CREAM!! The miso comes from a city in Aichi Prefecture called Okazaki. It's known for its rich taste. It was was...okay :)
Yellow tail, red snapper and tuna sashimi
Tempura, Kamaboko (fish cake) with vegetables
Gratin with firefly squid (from Fukui prefecture) and broccoli
Seafood dumpling with chawamushi (steamed egg pudding with yummy vegetable and meats inside)
Jelly with fugu (pufferfish)
Tempura rice bowl
Grapefruit, pineapple, banana, and ? for dessert.
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